10 Great Developer Jokes Hidden In Video Games

5. Mario's Appearance In Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

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Is Ocarina of Time close to being everyone's favourite game ever or what? It seems to me that based off personal experience alone there are three types of people in the world. The first are those that played Ocarina of Time. The second are those that played Final Fantasy VII. The third is everyone else that played Halo. Okay, I'm just kidding, I realize there was quite an expanse of time between the first two and that last one, however there seems to be very few gamers out there who didn't at least enjoy Ocarina of Time even if they never beat it. While still a kid, Link has to sneak into the castle courtyard to find Princess Zelda and learn more about the main quest. After talking to her if you look through the window on the right side of the courtyard you can see the portraits of all the characters from Mario64. This is something that is very easy to miss and pretty unexpected the first time I saw it when I was much younger.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation