10 Great PS4 Games You Can Buy For Under £20

7. Infamous: Second Son - £15.99

the last of us joel
Sucker Punch

The third game in the Infamous series was the best in terms of sheer gameplay and is still an impressive display of the PS4's power.

Arguably the PS4's most underrated game, Second Son is one of the best looking games on the console to this day. It also tells an interesting story that you don't need to have played the first two games to understand, with amazing acting to boot.

While the first two games in the series saw you play as lightning-wielding Cole McGrath, Second Son put you in the shoes of Delsin Rowe, whose power was absorbing others abilities. Delsin starts out with the power of smoke, which sees him dash through the air and up through vents with impressive particle effects.

From there, he also gains the power of neon - the most visually startling - video, and concrete, to create a quadruplet of abilities that make for one of the PS4's most fun titles. And all for the low-low price of £15.99!


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.