10 Great Video Game Franchises People Simply Abandoned

6. Alone In The Dark

splinter cell chaos theory

Prior to Resident Evil popularising survival horror (for consoles, at least), Edward Carnby was doing the rounds in 1992. And he was good at it, kicking out three sequels before the 21st century ticked over.

Then, in an attempt to gain relevance again, gamers were treated to A New Nightmare in 2001. It wasn't terrible, but it was jumping on the Resident Evil/Silent Hill bandwagon. Fine, no issue there. Imitation, flattery, you know how it goes.

And then came 2008's less horror, more action-focused title. It was divisive, we'll say, but it wasn't the worst game ever. It tried to do too much, but at least it had some very good fire effects. That's... something.

Alas, what really killed any hope of AitD preserving its legacy came in 2015 with the aptly named Illumination. Neither Alone, as it had multiplayer, nor Dark as it was brighter than the average Mensa applicant, it heralded the end for the series.

It was so far from its roots it was planted in another garden... made of trash. As such, fans made it known and Alone in the Dark now lives up to its namesake.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.