10 Great Video Games That Are Ugly On Purpose

5. Cruelty Squad

Kane & Lynch 2
Consumer Softproducts

Cruelty Squad is, more than most games on this list, a title that absolutely won't be for everyone, and that's primarily because its visual style is so unabashedly repulsive. This isn't a game you'd ever want to play hungover, that's for sure.

An acid-dipped riff on classic stealth-action games like Hitman, Cruelty Squad casts players in the role of an assassin tasked with carrying out various assignments.

The big difference? You're a biologically augmented assassin residing in what the developer describes as a "sewage infused garbage world." No lies detected.

The various sandbox levels and all the UI elements are willfully hideous in what's both a throwback to underground FPS games of decades past, and something of a response to the "realism" sought by modern military shooters.

The blocky, low-polygon graphics and nauseatingly garish textures are tailor-made to induce as much discomfort in the player as possible, evoking the vibe that this is something you probably shouldn't be playing.

Yet underneath its purposefully gross aesthetic is a genuinely riveting, refreshingly straight-forward tactical shooter unencumbered by the excessive, overbaked mechanics of modern FPS games.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.