10 Greatest Black Characters In Video Games

8. Sazh Katzroy - Final Fantasy XIII

Watch Dogs 2 Marcus

Sazh Katzroy is one of those characters that you remember years after seeing them. Whether due to his quirky attitude, his plight to save his son or just the fact that a Chocobo lives in his hair, he has remained in our hearts ever since first appearing in Final Fantasy XIII.

At first glance, Katzroy seems like your typical ‘comic relief character’, making the rest of the ensemble cast laugh and fumbling about. As the story progresses and his character develops, it is apparent that this is not the case. He has been through an awful lot, losing his wife and then his son getting turned into a crystal a few hours into the game, an effect of the all-powerful gods, the fal’Cie.

While the rest of your team are running in gun(blade)s blazing and confident, Sazh is scared. He’s practical but most importantly, he is caring. While separated from his son, he becomes the unintentional father of the group, looking out for his friends. He is human through and through, and offers up some truly emotional moments throughout the game's run time.

Final Fantasy XIII may not have been for everyone, but it really excelled in one important department – the characters. They are all great in their own, very different way, but Sazh truly was the heart of not only the team, but the game as a whole.

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Creative soul with a obsession for Videogames and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.