10 Greatest Casting Choices in Video Game History

2. Samuel L Jackson - Officer Tenpenny in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5tqQWZMWKs Jackson is seemingly lauded for his performances in everything whether they are exceptional or otherwise, but this is one stand out piece of work in his career for me. He manages to make Tenpenny absolutely loathsome in a way few others would have been able to do. Of course, having Jackson agree to be in a game at all would be a massive victory for any developer, but an outstanding performance from him took this game to another level. An excellent character acted brilliantly, and a masterclass of casting for Rockstar.
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The Adrian Poole is a member of the human species who occasions upon writing infrequently about those things It both loves and loathes. For more madness from this fool, why not read his blog here.