10 Greatest FPS Games Of The Last Ten Years

9. Battlefield 4

Despite the numerous launch hiccups with the game's "netcode", Battlefield 4 is an incredible game when it works. Sure, the single player campaign is incredibly generic and not even really worth bothering with, but much like the Call of Duty franchise, it's all about the online multiplayer, and this is where the game undeniably delivers in spades. A steady build on the excellent 64-player mayhem Battlefield 3 served up, BF4 benefits from some insanely addictive maps (especially the prison level, Operation Locker), and the inclusion of new "Levolution" events, trigger-based set-pieces such as collapsing buildings which alter the geography of the map and allow for a more dynamic and cinematic experience. As is to be expected, BF4 is one of the best-looking FPS games ever made, and is also a sonically awesome title, boasting hyper-realistic gunfire sounds which really must be heard with a sturdy pair of headphones. It may not be a revelatory leap from BF3, but given how excellent the previous game was, all they had to do was serve up more of the same with a few little tweaks. We just hope that for the inevitable Battlefield 5, EA allows DICE to take their time and not release it until all the bugs are ironed out. Still, now that it all runs smoothly, it's a masterful multiplayer experience.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.