10 Greatest Hidden Video Game Weapons

5. Hadouken (Mega Man X)

Anyone who actually managed to not only beat Mega Man X, but collect every single item and power-up in the game, deserves a round of applause. If you have 100% completed Mega Man X, it's possible to unlock Ryu's fabled 'Hadouken' from Street Fighter and add it to Mega Man's arsenal. The reason you're probably just now hearing about this, even if you've previously devoted hundreds of hours to completing it, is down to the method for doing so being incredibly obscure. It requires you to head back to the Armored Armadillo stage after beating the game and collect a seemingly standard power pellet resting on the top of a cliff four times (done by killing your character each time). Go back to the same spot again and this time you will be able to acquire that devastating Street Fighter projectile. Is it worth it? Well, considering it can one-shot kill anything but the final boss... yeah, it kind of is.
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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.