10 Greatest Open World Games Of All Time

8. Just Cause 2

elden ring siofra river

The Just Cause games are famous, one might even say notorious, for having NIGHTMARISHLY huge worlds. Rico Rodriguez is given entire countries to run around in these games, and they go out of their way to make the player intimately aware of how big these worlds are.

Just Cause 2 hit the perfect balance of all four Just Cause games currently out. The nation of Panau feels absolutely massive, with cities, towns, villages, military bases, and more stuffed into every inch of this faux-Asian nation.

Of course, with worlds this big, the means of traversing them is key, and one would think Just Cause 3 with its kickass wingsuit would make it a sure win. While the wingsuit IS indeed fun as all hell, its speed and the sheer size of the world demanding its use makes the scenery blend together.

Meanwhile in 2, getting around on your parachute and magical, physics destroying grapple lines is easy enough, but there are also cars and boats, and planes that Rico can ride in. Making the means of traversing Panau fast but not TOO fast means there is more incentive to memorize every detail of the world.

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Elden Ring
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?