The sequel to the critically acclaimed original Mass Effect game hit our store shelves in 2010 and was hotly anticipated. You once again take on the role of Commander Shepherd who, after the events of the first game, has died. Rather than this being a somewhat abrupt ending, Shepherd is revived by Cerberus and is tasked with gathering a team of the galaxys finest aliens to stop the ominous Collectors. After a few hiccups along the way, your team is finally ready. You embark on The Suicide Mission. Never before has so much pressure been put on one gamer for this final level. Any number of your squad can die, including yourself and any tiny mistake can put your whole mission in jeopardy. Another stunning game from BioWare, Mass Effect 2 combines the classic RPG elements youd expect like upgrading all manner of abilities and organising which of your elite team to take on missions. You have the option of either playing Paragon or Renegade or somewhere in-between Mass Effects is a universe where nearly all moral judgements are highly debatable rather than being black and white. The vast amount of varied gameplay involved in this game is something else which really makes it stand out from the crowd no matter how many hours youve put into the game, youll still be overjoyed when EDI exclaims anomaly detected when youre scouring a planet for Element Zero.
Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.