10 Greatest Talkative Gaming Villains

6. Hades - Kid Icarus: Uprising

Make no mistake, the 3DS rebirth of Kid Icarus is a very chatty game indeed, and almost every character gets their share of one-liners. While the newly-revived (and unexpectedly sultry) Medusa is initially established as the villain of the piece, her antics are merely a distraction for the wonderfully hammy God of the Underworld himself, Hades. He€™s an omnipresent character from the moment of his reveal, whether it€™s mocking Pit€™s efforts to defeat him or forging a grudging alliance to repel an unexpected alien invasion. Flamboyant and melodramatic, Hades€™ flirty personality and penchant for insulting nicknames belie the danger he poses €“ with a single attack, he destroys the Three Sacred Treasures the player€™s spent a large portion of the game collecting. It€™s the combination of casual whimsy and extreme power that makes him evocative of Disney€™s more recent villains (though he€™s not as downplayed as James Woods€™ Hades) and helps keep his character from descending into silliness. Even when he and Pit face of directly, he€™ll often start another round of banter -- only to cut himself off mid-sentence to launch a devastating attack.Hades also has the distinction of being one of the few villains who, having devoured the unfortunate Pit, continues to chat with him and even threatens to punish him further by, er, letting nature take its course. No, Hades! Bad God!
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Chris has over a decade's experience as a game designer and writer in the video game industry. He's currently battling Unity in a fight to the death.