10 Greatest Video Game Collectables You Must Find

6. Toys - Doom Eternal

Alan Wake Collectables
iD Software

Doom Eternal is an undeniable thrill ride of a shooter, however, in between the moments where players are turning the undead hordes of hell into piles of guts and blood, they can find a wide assortment of collectables that range from massive powerups to interesting tidbits of lore. Yet there is one collectable set that is just a bit more fun to find than the others, and those are the toys.

These toys serve no purpose other than sprucing up Doomguy's room aboard his floating Fortress of Doom, and of course, helping you 100% the collectables of any level. But the amount of detail put into every unique toy is worth looking at whenever you have some free time, and they just help add to the more silly side of the Doom franchise.

However, the real reason to get them is simply to see the adorable cutscenes that play whenever Doomguy picks up a toy. This is a small but simple moment of peace that will always make you smile, no matter how many times you've died. Every toy is also quite well hidden, giving a somewhat fun distraction to an overwhelmingly combat-focused game.

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Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.