10 Greatest Video Game Developers Of All Time

3. Valve Corporation

Setting aside the fact that Valve revolutionised PC gaming thanks to its Steam digital games platform, the all power corporation has also proved itself to be one of the greatest developers of all time. What better way to make your debut as a developer than by releasing a seminal game like Half Life in 1998? The game was technically so far ahead of everything else at the time that it was a good few years before other shooters on the PC seemed worthy of being played. Valve's subsequent achievements spring-boarded off the back of Half-life, with each new game heralding in its own mini-revolution. Counter-Strike and Team Fortress redefined online shooters, Half-life 2 reshaped the FPS genre just like its predecessor, while Portal proved that a non-violent puzzle game could enthral the world. Not to mention Dota 2 - the game responsible for turning eSports into a global phenomenon. Then there was Left 4 Dead, which may not have been revolutionary, but man, was it insanely fun. In fact, the only thing that stands between Valve and God-like greatness is Half-life 3. Make it happen, Valve... Notable games: Half-life series, Counter-Strike series, Team Fortress series, Dota 2, Portal series, Left 4 Dead series, Day of Defeat
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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.