10 Greatest Video Game Post-Final Boss Fights

6. Darth Vader - Star Wars: Jedi - Fallen Order

metal gear solid 3
Respawn Entertainment

Pictured above: An accurate representation of the player's expression at this exact moment in Jedi: Fallen Order.

For context, the woman making a face like a best man who's forgotten the rings is Trilla Sudari, a.k.a the Second Sister - a Sith Inquisitor and primary antagonist of the game. After her defeat a familiar mechanical breathing fills the room and both Trilla - and the player - brick themselves as Darth Vader steps into view.

Vader reacts to Trilla's failure in his usual fashion and, one lightsaber-based performance review later, swiftly ragdolls protagonist Cal Kestis across the room. At which point Cal breathlessly declares "We have to run!", in a not-so-coded message to the player.

The chase that ensues is both a sublime spectacle and excellent storytelling. After the thrill of toppling the Second Sister, the panciky flight from an angry Sith Lord is a potent reminder that Cal still has a long way to go to become a proper Jedi, and another example of why Darth Vader is still sci-fi's greatest bogeyman.

The scene wouldn't have been anywhere near as powerful without Vader's iconic presence, and the final "fight" against him meant the best Star Wars game in years got the ending it deserved.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.