10 Greatest Video Game Voice Actors

1. David Hayter (Metal Gear Solid)

David Hayter may have his fingers in a lot of pies, having played Guyver: Dark Hero in the botched film production, and having written or co-written screenplays for Hollywood films such as The Scorpion King, X2 and Watchmen. Still, he is unquestionably best known for his work as Solid Snake on the Metal Gear Solid series, forging arguably the most iconic and memorable vocal signature of any video game character in history. His gruff inflections help to create an amusingly serious, war-hardened veteran who, by the end of the fourth game, actually turns out to have a heart as well. Though Hideo Kojima's scripts often veer into the insane, Hayter's calming - some might even say sexy - voice helps to keep it somewhat grounded, and there's a warm familiarity to his appearance in each game. So strong and integral to the series is his voice performance that there have even been fan petitions for him to be cast as Solid Snake should the planned Metal Gear Solid live-action film ever actually get off the ground. Still, he's going to have stiff competition from Christian Bale, so we won't hold our breath. Who is your favourite video game voice actor? Let us know in the comments below.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.