10 Guilty Pleasure Video Games We All Played More Than Any Blockbuster

2. Fear Effect 2: Retro Helix

Released late in the life of the PS1 in 2001, the buzz surrounding Fear Effect 2 didn't focus on its gameplay, graphics or plot - instead the gaming media were more interested in pointing and giggling at the fact the two main protagonists were hot lesbians. Fair enough, the game's advertising campaign didn't exactly help this, not least with images like the one above. But there's a lot more to this game than horny schoolboy thrills. Though there's a tasty array of weapons at your disposal, blasting your way through every level doesn't get you very far - some situations will require you to use your brain as well as your trigger finger. There's also a hefty amount of devilish puzzles scattered throughout. Think Resident Evil meets Metal Gear Solid, with a dash of Abe's Oddysee. The game is refreshingly mature in content as well as gameplay. The complex yet intriguing plot centres around biological terrorism and global conspiracy in a futuristic Hong Kong. The various playable protagonists - Hana, Glas, Deke and Rain, are all fully fleshed and multi-faceted characters, each of them tortured in their own ways. Also the game doesn't skip on the violence, with some grisly death scenes and genuinely disturbing imagery that stays with you long after you've put the disc away. Basically, this is a game that treats its audience like adults - and it's all the better for it.

Northern Irish man living and working in London. Heroes include Ledley King, James Ellroy and whoever invented elasticated sweatshorts. Follow me on Twitter - @MJLowry23