10 Hardest DUAL Boss Fights In Gaming History

7. Vulture And Electro - Spider-Man

elden ring godskin duo

Every single boss in Marvel's Spider-Man is superbly innovative. Unfortunately, many of them don't provide much of a challenge. As entertaining as it is thwacking Taskmaster or webbing up Tombstone, you don't really worry about your rivals getting the upper hand.

But the difficult curve cranks up a notch once you face the Vulture and Electro. Although the supervillains' attacks aren't particularly devastating, there's a great many reasons why this bout tests your mettle.

Unlike every boss up until this point, these supervillains can fly, meaning Spidey has to constantly thwip around to get close to them. They move at incredible speed and are constantly on the move, meaning they can reach your position in less than a second, regardless of how far away they are. Furthermore, the battle arena is gigantic, so it can be difficult to keep track of your opponents.

Although the Vulture and Electro take turns facing you at first, they eventually tag-team, making the second-half of this confrontation twice as hard. If you haven't perfected your web-swinging techniques by this point, this boss battle will be an absolute slog.

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Elden Ring
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