10 Hardest First Bosses In Video Games

3. Urizen - Devil May Cry V

Nioh Boss

Devil May Cry V's Urizen is an especially interesting opening boss fight because, in fact, you're not actually supposed to beat him.

The battle is designed to be lost, because you'll be encountering Urizen numerous times throughout the game and get a fully-fledged fight with him right at the end.

As a result, the prologue battle is extremely difficult, and yet the game does allow sufficiently skilled players to overcome and defeat Urizen. This in turn unlocks a secret ending which somewhat sarcastically rolls the end credits early.

Winning the fight is a massive pain, though, largely due to the fact that the player hasn't yet been able to kit themselves out with skill and health upgrades.

Urizen will hurl all manner of extremely harmful projectiles your way, and the time windows where he's vulnerable to attacks are very small. Simply, only the most hardcore DMC players have a hope in hell of beating him the hard way.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.