10 Hardest Soulsborne Enemies That AREN'T Bosses

9. Brainsuckers - Bloodborne

Dark Souls Basilisk

Undoubtedly one of the most hated enemies of all time is the head-hunting nightmare fuel delivered to us in Bloodborne, known as the Brainsucker.

Everything about these enemies is horrible. From the bone-chilling shrieking sound they make, to their 'gotcha!' placement in dark areas or hidden round corners, to their maddening attacks that hold you in place while they drain your hard-earned insight. Luckily, they're not too difficult to kill if it's a simple one on one duel, such as the first one you likely encountered in the Cathedral Ward.

However, if you've ever gone out of your way to fight the optional boss Ebreitas, Daughter of the Cosmos, you have likely lost an ungodly amount of insight to these bastards on the way.

In an almost pitch-black area of the game, you make your way cautiously through narrow corridors after having narrowly escaped death at the hands of THREE werewolves (all in one go, of course) just to find yourself being mobbed by these guys. Wherever possible, try to fight with these guys 1v1 to avoid haemorrhaging insight.


Geordie Scribbler. Literature, Music, Gaming & Comics Enthusiast.