10 Hardest Soulsborne Enemies That AREN'T Bosses

8. Basilisks - Dark Souls 1-3 & Elden Ring

Dark Souls Basilisk

'Oooh, look at these funny lil fellers, hey look these little frog-guys are atta- I'm dead. I'm dead. How am I dead?' - This is the thought process during everyone's first experience with Basilisks.

When Miyazaki hits gold, he mines it for all its worth. Of course, in this particular instance, we are not talking actual gold, but rather, a particularly infuriating enemy. Of all of the creations Miyazaki could choose to port across multiple games, he inevitably chose one of the most infuriating of all, namely the Basilisk.

New players may be initially confused as to why such unthreatening looking enemies would be so high on so many players s**t-list. One short encounter with a handful of them should be enough to answer all questions, however.

Generally coming in swarms, the Basilisks emit a black smoke that fills up a meter that, once full, grants the player instant death. It is therefore crucial that players are either able to eliminate all of these little devils in rapid succession, or are able to employ hit-and-run tactics, getting away from the deadly smoke before their meter fills up. Easier said than done.


Geordie Scribbler. Literature, Music, Gaming & Comics Enthusiast.