10 Hardest Soulsborne Enemies That AREN'T Bosses
Bosses aren't the only forces to be reckoned with in the Soulsborne Universe.

We've all been there: you've just successfully trivialized a particularly formidable boss, you're feeling ten feet tall and ready to take on the world... and moments later, you stumble across some fresh monstrosity from the interminable nightmare factory that is the brain of Hidetaka Miyazaki.
You pause, unsure how to proceed with this new foe. But, confident as you are due to your most recent boss, assured that you have indeed 'got good', you attack, and promptly shuffle off your mortal coil. Such is the life of a FromSoft player.
Here, we present to you a tour of some of the most excruciatingly cruel denizens of the FromSoftware universe; whether they be skulking beasts of Yharnam, dwellers of some of the more torturous ends of the Lands Between, or good old fashioned franchise favourites repurposed across different franchises.
With a back-catalogue of pixelated-monstrosities such as belong to the Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring games, there are sure to be some we have missed. Be sure to let us know of any that gave you particular difficulties!
10. Revenants - Elden Ring

The Revenants would earn an entry on this list based simply on how genuinely horrifying their appearance is alone. However, they're also a total nightmare for a variety of other reasons.
Revenants are one of those enemies that really punish certain builds, but can be dealt with much easier by others. If you're a two-handed, aggressive type, you may struggle to deal with the revenants' aggressive lunges and sneaky follow-ups. Try rolling side to side, never backwards. If holy damage and healing is more your bag... well, we can't promise you it will be easy, but you should at least have a less rough go of it at any rate.
Of course, a big part of the problem with these enemies - aside from them combining the most terrifying elements of zombies and spiders into one disgusting freakshow - is their placement. Veterans of the Haligtree may be dealing with trauma from encountering five royal revenants in one go.
Like all enemies, however, there is a strategy for beating them, dependent on your build. In the case of melee types, it can be rolling to the side, learning timing and not to get greedy. For Faith builds, healing spells and holy damage should do the trick.