10 Hardest Video Game Boss Fights You Started By Accident

Mess around, see what happens!

Swan Concept Art

There are a lot of different ways a tough video game boss can get an advantage over you. They can have a lot of health, ridiculously strong powers, irregular attack patterns... Or they may use the element of surprise.

That's right, sometimes throwing an overpowered enemy at you is just not enough for game developers. They really want to see you suffer, and so they hide their toughest fights away, waiting for a moment when an unwitting player walks right into their trap.

Through bad luck, poor choices, and not-so-happy little accidents, an ill-prepared player may seal their fate by unknowingly triggering a fight that will take them out in a rage-inducing second.

You may not even be sure what hit you when you stumble upon these secret boss fights, so if you're not just ready to lose your life, items, and experience on a hopeless encounter you could've not predicted would happen to you, be sure to learn what to look out for with the following list, so you don't accidentally start a fight with these sneaky bosses.

Or better yet, start the fight right knowing what to expect!

10. Bovine Defense Force Initiative - The Witcher 3

Swan Concept Art
CD Projekt RED

The Witcher 3 is all about tracking powerful monsters and then slaying them with careful preparation and planning.

However, there is one monster who tracks you instead, and when it catches you doing something you're not supposed to, you might as well be dead.

The Bovine Defense Force Initiative is a gigantic chort with insane attack power that was added into the game as a means of combating people trying to exploit the game.

You see, back in the day, the most lucrative way to make money fast in the Witcher 3 was to slay cows in White Orchard, sell their skins, and then wait for them to respawn to do it all over again.

However, after the developers caught wind of this, they added the chort, and now if you slay one too many cows, the Bovine Defense Force will come after you, even if you'd done it unintentionally.

The fight is designed to make you lose, as it's supposed to make you not want to exploit the game, so if you thought you could get away with butchering innocent cows, you have another goat-shaped thing coming!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.