10 Hardest Video Game Levels That Required Incredible Skill
5. Turbo Tunnel (Battletoads)
Teenage Mutant Ninja who? Battletoads for the NES remains one of the oldest examples of a game built by Satan himself, due to a huge combination of gameplay factors of the time, and small psychological ticks that play with your expectations of what's going to happen. Placing your character on a fast-moving jetski-looking motorbike...thing, over the years this is one of those levels that started out being referred to primarily in expletives, only for many other videos online to emerge of people beating the whole thing in one try - sometimes even flawlessly. Thus we have to admit the level is actually extremely fair - if you're able to memorise what's coming at you and when, it's a case of applying this knowledge and riding the whole thing out, although that in itself is something very few players could do. One of the most subtle things the game does - although it's up for debate whether this was intentional or not - is throw up a series of obstacles that flash just before they come at you, messing with your reactions as you end up dodging something that hasn't actually appeared yet. In a sequence whose every second hinges on expert timing, even the smallest thing could totally ruin a playthrough, but due to the overall simplistic nature of just memorising some sections, this was one of the most replayed sections in any old school side-scroller.