10 Harshest Ways Video Games Punish You For Rage Quitting

8. Dead By Daylight Strips Resources From Players Who Only Want To Be The Killer

Mortal Kombat
Behavior Interactive

In a game as tightly balanced as Dead by Daylight, where one player is cast as a vicious killer on the prowl for a team of four survivors, even one person leaving early can throw off the whole dynamic of a match.

Consequently, the developers included a pretty rigorous penalty system for people who abandon ship, stripping them of three points that go towards their ranking while also forfeiting any of the bloodpoint currency they'd earned in the game to that point.

If you quit as a survivor you're hit even harder though, also losing all of the items and resources you had equipped to for the match. The title never resorts to outright bans and you're never restricted from playing altogether, but you'll be noticeably worse off the next time you jump into a match.

It's harsh, but at least it punishes players who don't like the role they've been lumped with, unlike the similar Friday the 13th, which lets its fanbase get off lightly for joining a match and then immediately leaving.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3