10 Hated Video Game Builds (That Are Secretly Really Good)

1. Axii Build - The Witcher 3

baldur's gate 3 cleric
CD Projekt RED

The witcher signs are some of the most powerful abilities at your disposal in Witcher 3 (whirl attack obviously excluded). These magical powers allow you to set your enemies on fire, deflect their attacks, trap them in runes, or blast them away with an invisible force.

And then there's Axii.

Axii, the witcher sign associated with manipulating minds, is oftentimes hated by the game's players as it forces them to waste their skill points on it to obtain new dialogue options without offering any apparent combat benefits.

The thing, though, is that Axii is very effective in combat. You just have to build it up a little.

Purchasing some upgrades can extend Axii's mind powers to your enemies, allowing you to either disable them from combat or even make them fight on your side! With the right Axii perks, no battlefield will ever pose a challenge, as you will have full control over who gets to participate in the fight and on what terms.

Best of all, you don't even have to be a skilled combatant yourself, as Axii will make others win your fights for you!

It's like Jedi mind tricks, but better! 


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.