10 Hated Video Games That Got REALLY Good

7. Diablo III (2012)

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Despite shipping 3.4 million copies in its first 24 hours and going on to become the best-selling PC game of the year, there were some pretty hefty criticisms thrown at Diablo III during its first few weeks on the shelves. The bulk of these criticisms were directed at the always-online DRM requirement, which meant players would always need an internet connection to join the Blizzard servers, even if they were only planning on playing the single-player campaign.

There were also issues with the game's Auction House, giving the game a label of being intensely 'pay to win'.

Thankfully, Blizzard were able to wrestle these criticisms away through persistent updates over the next few years. Patch 1.0.5 introduced the Monster Power system for hardcore gamers, patch 1.0.7 brought the first PvP mode through Brawling. Furthermore, Blizzcon 2016 brought with it The Darkening of Tristram for Diablo III, a free patch featuring a 16-level dungeon, four classic bosses, special graphics filters and 8-directions limited movement like in the original entry.

The game's first expansion, Reaper of Souls, was also added to the game. The expansion helped redefine major parts of the Diablo experience at the time, introducing the Crusader hero, increasing the level cap, and improving the Paragon leveling system.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.