10 HD Video Game Editions That Are Actually Worth Buying

2. God Of War Origins Collection

What It Contains: God of War: Chains of Olympus and God of War: Ghost of Sparta God of War is such a hot-seller, filled with so many iterations that a second collection is already a necessity. Not like there's a problem with that or anything, more God of War is always a good thing. This collection excels not just over its predecessor, but most HD collections in general due to the fact that these original games were released on the PSP, and quite frankly pretty annoying to play. The PSP had no second analog stick, so dodging involved players holding down a button and flicking the analog stick, which truthfully isn't all that intuitive when it's the same stick that controls your movement. The PlayStation 3 obviously has dual analog sticks, meaning with a port the developers were able to patch in far more traditional controls that make playing the games an experience that resembles the original trilogy. There's also the fact that Ghost of Sparta is one of the best games in the franchise, yet remains severely underrated and underplayed. That game alone warrants a purchase.
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.