10 Hidden Gem Video Games That Would REALLY Benefit From Remakes

9. Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath

Madworld wii
Oddworld Inhabitants

The Oddworld titles pride themselves on providing unique spins on familiar genres, and fascinating mechanics all their own. A particular cult favorite among them is Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath, an FPS (of sorts) starring a bounty hunter named only as Stranger.

To make the cash he’s in town to claim (to pay for a mysterious medical procedure he’s in need of), Stranger pursues his bounties using a unique crossbow that fires a range of different tiny creatures (dubbed Live Ammo) found in the environments. Among them are Bolamites, spiders that trap foes in webs to be captured, and Boombats that are fired like a rocket launcher.

Stranger’s Wrath did receive an HD edition release in December 2011, but it’s a title that would be a perfect fit for a remake. Being quite a brief experience, the concept could be expanded in various ways: more bounties, more Live Ammo choices to dispatch them with, perhaps even an open world.

The idea of hunting such critters in the wild to collect your ammo, in a sort of bizarre Red Dead Redemption world, is an engaging one indeed.

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