10 Hidden Video Game Images You Weren't Supposed To See

2. The Stuff Of Nightmares - Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (1999)

GTA vice city ronald reagan
The 3DO Company

There's really no other way to describe this one.

One minute, you're hopping around a colourful garden with plastic gun in hand; the next, you've somehow crawled into a claustrophobic hellscape surrounded by an image of Dr. Frankenstein's lesser-known side project. Imagine finding this as a child!

You'll find this utterly disturbing easter egg in the borders of the area, by crawling under a small brick wall around the sandpit. Inside the small room are several wall-to-ceiling photos of something that both stops your heart and sends your inquisitive mind into overdrive.

What in all that's holy is this?! Well, it's a man, clearly, but with the most hideous bulbous growth coming out of the top of his head, covered in cuts and stitch marks. It may be fake, in which case props to the editing skills of whoever made such a thing; but then, it could just as easily be real. I'm not sure which is worse.

All this aside, whatever this is has NO place in a video game, let alone one like Army Men: Sarge's Heroes. Where the image came from and why it is here are questions we simply don't know the answers to - but if you value your sanity, this is one hidden image you won't go looking for.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.