10 Hidden Video Game Mechanics That Will Blow Your Mind

1. Secretly Deciding Your Ending - Metro 2033

Fear game
4A Games

By now, the moral points in the Metro series are somewhat well-known; however, back when the first Metro game came out, their existence was a total mystery. Even nowadays, with Metro Exodus, the developers refuse to directly acknowledge their existence, keeping most of the newer players completely in the dark.

The moral points are hidden values that the game attaches to certain choices the player makes along the way. Yes, despite Metro being a relatively straightforward first-person shooter, it does have a morality system that impacts which ending you're going to get.

Your playstyle, the way in which you resolve certain missions, as well as many other actions in the game, can dictate how many moral points you'll acquire and how they will affect the story.

Keeping the moral points hidden might seem like a confusing choice, but it actually makes a lot of sense. Since the player has no idea their actions have in-game consequences, it allows them to make decisions in accordance with what they believe, as opposed to what is the most optimal.

The end result is a more honest narrative experience that can truly surprise you with the impact your actions have on the world.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.