10 Hidden Video Game Mechanics That Will Blow Your Mind

6. Enemies Miss You On Purpose - BioShock

Fear game
2K Games

This hidden mechanic became well-known a few years ago thanks to a Twitter thread started by Jennifer Scheurle. However, a lot of people seemed to have misunderstood what the mechanic actually was, creating a myth that is still widespread to this day.

The mechanic in question causes the splicers in BioShock to miss their first shot, in order to prevent them from killing you instantly and to give you a moment to figure out where the shot came from. Ken Levine's response to the Twitter thread popularized the myth that enemies are programmed to ALWAYS miss their first shot.

In reality, their programming is far more complex.

According to Youtuber, DX (shown below), the splicers are subjected to an "inaccuracy curve" that makes their skill with the gun evolve the more you progress through the game.

In the beginning, this means the AI will tend to miss more often to help you get your bearings, but over time it will become more accurate and deadly.

In other words, if you're bad at BioShock early on, it sure isn't going to get easier.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.