10 Highest-Selling Video Game Franchises Of All Time

2. Pokemon - 340 Mil Approx. Units

Pikachu pokemon

Pokemon dominated the mid-to-late 1990s, taking the handheld gaming scene to another level and into the new millennium before consoles took the reigns as an industry-leader.

It's comfortably the highest-grossing media franchise in history, sitting an astonishing $15 billion ahead of its nearest rival in Hello Kitty - of all things - and more than $30 billion ahead of Star Wars.

An entire generation of people have grown up, and with, Pokemon as a staple of their child and adult lives.

From playing Red or Yellow on the bus to school as kids, to playing Sun and Moon on the train to work.

The game just has a repeatable playing style to it, allowing you to play a variation of the same concept, or even the exact same game (I've finished Gold more times than I can remember) over and over again.

The franchise is up to an 8th generation of games, with even the latest in the series still performing as well as, if not better, than the originals in a sign that series fatigue simply hasn't kicked in yet despite over two decades of content.

There are more Pokemon than you can poke a stick at these days, some better than others, but the constant flow of new content has kept the ball rolling over time.

The global takeover that was Pokemon Go only added to the grandeur of the Pokemon machine.

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Aussie sports fan who loves gaming, everything on the big and silver screens and quoting the entire Samuel L. Jackson 'Ezekiel 25:17' monologue from Pulp Fiction