10 Hilarious Game Overs You WANT To See

6. Reading The Ragged Diary - Super Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Dont shit yourself

To begin, The Thousand Year Door is such a brilliant and charming entry in the Paper Mario franchise that it's genuinely surprising it's not talked about more. It's writing is off the wall, the aesthetics are undeniably beautiful and it's humor is so on point that it's a laugh riot from start to finish.

Even the titles approach to Game Over's are handled with a brilliantly light-hearted flourish, and there's arguably no better than the case of the Ragged Diary and a poor old Toad ghost. This spirit is known as Spirit T. and unfortunately, died in a train carriage, but can't move on because he's afraid that someone will find and read his diary which is also hidden somewhere on the train.

After pleading Mario to help him, and warning him not to, under any circumstances, read his diary, we set out to put the departed to rest. Upon finding the diary, even the item description tells you not to read it....but I mean come on, surely it wouldn't hurt to take a peek right?

Well after SEVERAL instances of the game asking you if you want to go ahead when you do open the book, Spirit T pops out and scares Mario quite literally to death! Well, that's what you get for invading others' privacy right?

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