10 Hilarious Game Overs You WANT To See
4. Battling The Endodroid - Space Quest 6

Now to be clear, there are many, MANY ridiculous ways to die in any of the Sierra Entertainment video games. Across their Space Quest, Hero Quest, Kings Quest, and Leisure Suit Larry games, the developer has displayed an almost unparalleled skill at delivering death around every corner and usually in the most comical ways possible.
In fact, it was genuinely difficult to pin down just one delightful demise seeing as you can die from being punched by a bear, eating the wrong foods, and of course, dooming yourself through all manner of stupidity, but Space Quest 6 has a rather brilliant encounter with an enemy called an Endodroid that really deserves mention.
Firstly you'll notice that the enemy bears an uncanny resemblance to the Terminator, even down to his corny Arny accent, and the second thing you'll notice is that you should not mess with him under any circumstances as he will, quite literally, turn you inside out.
This leads to a tonne of hilarious situations in which you mess up only to see your insides become very much "outsides". However, my favourite one is freezing and shattering the Endodroid, and picking up the pieces and waiting, as if you wait too long he'll unfreeze, pop out of your trousers and beat the piss out of you!