10 Hilarious Horror Video Game Deaths

8. The Dentist - Manhunt 2

video game deaths

And now we go from The Doctor to The Dentist in Rockstar's ultra-controversial cult horror classic Manhunt 2.

In the game's third mission, "Sexual Deviants," players are able to perform a most ridiculous execution on one of the game's hunters, who is busy putting the screws to one of their victims in a dentist's chair.

Approach the hunter from behind and you can throw them into the other dentist's chair before getting to work, repeatedly stabbing them with scalpels. Not funny, you say?

Well, the animation follows up by having you shove a dentist's drill into the hunter's face, resulting in comically over-the-top screams and blood spurts.

And if you're still not laughing, protagonist Daniel Lamb then quips, "Now you got the hang of it."

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Dead Rising
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.