10 Hilarious Magic The Gathering Cards (That Weren't Unglued!)

2. Null Rod

Goblin Grenade

Gerrard: "But it doesn't do anything!"

Hanna: "No - it does nothing."

Whether or not this card was inspired by Seinfeld is still up for debate. Even if you disliked the show, chances are you'll get some laughs out of this card. It is a null rod, a nothing rod. It's a rod about nothing!

The flavour text lets us in on a conversation between crew members of The Weatherlight as they discuss the rod and its uses. Gerrard: "But it doesn't do anything!"Hanna: "No—it does nothing."Looking a little bit closes this is more than just a Seinfeld reference. Mechanically the rod prevents other artifacts from being able to do anything.

In a genius stroke of design, the rod itself has no activated abilities. Just like Hanna says, it does nothing!


David Windjack hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.