10 Hilarious Video Game Death Scenes You Totally Missed
6. Heavy Rain - Norman Gets Crushed
For as much as David Cage wants his "interactive dramas" to be taken seriously, there's an awful lot of hilarious death scenes in them.
But for me (and now you reading this), it has to be FBI agent Norman Jayden falling into a car crusher that takes the prize.
What makes this hilarious is the over-the-top setup in which its going through. Why wouldn't Mad Jack just kill Norman outright when he was unconscious? No, that'd be far too simple for the Cage-level of writing going on here.
Instead, Mad Jack ties Jayden to his steering wheel, before pulling off this elaborate, Bond villain death trap. And whilst it's not too taxing to escape from, if you're not quick enough, you can be ground into a fine goop inside your car. Complete with blood-curdling scream, naturally.
But for bonus laughs, if you keep Norman alive up until his conveyor belt fight with the Origami Killer, you can have him drop into a garbage grinder instead.
What has David Cage got against the FBI...?