10 Hilarious Witcher 3 Quests You Totally Missed

6. The Tower Outta Nowheres

Witcher 3
CD Projekt RED

In The Witcher 3, CDPR’s biting satire isn't limited to tackling themes of monsters and men.

The writers likewise took this epic fantasy setting and used it to give their thoughts on the gaming industry, namely the controversy surrounding Digital Rights Management (aka DRM, software that stops users from sharing or reselling games).

This tongue-in-cheek allegory is the subject of the quest The Tower Outta Nowheres. In it, Geralt will be informed by a group of disgruntled villagers in An Skelig that the sudden appearance of a tower is the reason for the non-stop storm in the area. And being a witcher, he'll naturally be asked to investigate further.

Upon reaching the tower, players discover the tower’s newest owner sealed behind a barrier. Talking to him reveals that the tower has a Defensive Regulatory Magicon that only the tower’s original owner can deactivate.

The problem is that the former owner is now deceased. It’s therefore up to the witcher to search for the only means to lift the lock: a book known as Gottfried's Omni-Opening Grimoire (or GOG, a digital store owned by the developers) so that the barrier can be unlocked.

Well played, CD Projekt RED.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.