10 Hilariously Awkward Times Video Games Tried To Be Mature

2. Hatred's Main Character

Unpacking the disastrous mess that is Hatred is rather like looking into Marilyn Manson's appeal; it's routed in a time where reactionary shlock-horror sold ridiculously well (the 90s), and to the point, continuing to frame Hatred's selling point as a Columbine-esque fever-dream only made it a total laughing stock in the modern world. That didn't stop developers Destructive Creations for getting out ahead of it, commenting that Hatred was a 'response' to how 'soft' and 'mainstream' gaming had become. They somehow missed the fact a game called Grand Theft Auto was the highest-selling property of all time, but, well, things just weren't gnarly enough, erm... man. Naturally, Hatred released and found a teensy audience in angry high-schoolers looking to vent rage by shooting people in the face, but outside that, it was a turgid experience both out of time and especially in mind.
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