10 Honest Truths Xbox One Owners Realise After Buying A PS4
9. Trophies Will Never Be As Satisfying As Achievements

For most, achievements/trophies mean absolutely nothing, but for some gamers out there, they fuel and drive their gaming experience.
For the Xbox diehard fans who also double as achievement hunters, they will tell you there's nothing like hearing an achievement pop. For those double diehards who play on the PS4 as well, unlocking a trophy means nothing to them.
Call it brand loyalty, but from the pop to the presentation, unlocking an achievement is far more satisfying than a trophy.
Some will say PlayStation copied off of Xbox with trophies. While it is true achievements were instituted before them, PlayStation has changed the game as well. They were the first to institute an "earned ratio", letting completionists know when they had earned an exceptionally rare trophy, which has since been implemented on the Xbox One, once again in a better way.
See, a rare trophy unlocks just like any other trophy on the PS4,so earning a trophy for hitting start animates just like a trophy for investing 1000 hours into a game. On the Xbox One however, you're presented with a brand new, diamond flourished animation and unique sound to let you know right away you've accomplished something special.
It can't be denied trophies have their perks, though - that platinum trophy is something achievements really need to implement. Those of you who love your achievements will realize upon earning your first trophy there just is no comparison. A bronze trophy just can't compare to 5GS.