10 HORRIFYING Moments In Children's Video Games

6. Microwaving Hamsters - Maniac Mansion

Rayman 2

Despite the violent-sounding title and spooky elements present, Maniac Mansion was a favourite video game for kids looking for something a bit racier than the Duck Hunts and Punch-Outs of the late '80s.

The game went through several reworks for the Nintendo Entertainment System, with the abundance of horror tropes concerning Nintendo that the game might not be entirely kid-friendly. But, by and large, the story of a group of six teens navigating dangers and solving puzzles across a mad scientist's house generally steered clear of anything too terrifying.

However, one now-infamous scene that even the low-grade slasher flicks of the day hadn't thought of obviously slipped through these cracks.

If playing as either Syd or Razor, players can pick up the pet hamster of the scientist's son, Weird Ed. With any other playable character there's much to this interaction but, with these particular masochists, there's an opportunity to bring the little furball down to the kitchen, stuff it in the microwave and wait as blood and guts spray the walls.

It's a twisted moment that comes out of nowhere and, given the limitations of games around, was undoubtedly one of the most gruesome sights players had seen at the time.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.