10 Horrifying Video Game Implications We JUST Learned
Okay, we're glad that scene got cut.

Video games are such expansive, often evolving entities that the vast majority of players simply can't see or experience everything an individual game world has to offer.
As such, we'll often be blissfully ignorant about the finer details, which if inspected with more scrutiny reveal some disturbing, even horrifying truths we probably wished we never knew.
But trust the Internet to never let a brain-breaking detail or sliver of information go unheard, as evidenced by these wild and deeply unnerving implications that were just made about some of your favourite video game franchises.
From the newest hotness to card-carrying classics, these video games are all evidently a good deal more unsettling than you thought.
Whether family-friendly fun or straight-up horror games, there's some serious nightmare fuel percolating beneath the surface here.
From learning that a certain kid-targeted shooter is way too invested in bodily fluids to the iconic villain character Nintendo decided, for some god-forsaken reason, to make wilfully sexy, you'll most certainly wish you could banish these video game morsels from your precious brain.
Above all else, some of them make a persuasive case for the benefits of "head-canon" - of building your own selective interpretation of a series' given lore. It's not denial if you believe it...
10. The Foam Is Bodily Fluid - Foamstars

The recently released Splatoon-like Foamstars hasn't exactly set the gaming world on fire, though at a cursory glance it at least seemed like a totally harmless, family-friendly multiplayer shooter, right?
But those who gave the game a try on launch soon enough came to realise that it's a little more... questionable than expected, as the backstory for protagonist Soa reveals a side-eye-inducing origin story for the game's voluminous foam.
Soa states that foam is a bodily fluid which she and presumably other characters can secrete, as proves to be a source of embarrassment for her. The game doesn't go into much detail beyond that, but this seems to explain where at least some of the ever-present foam featured in the game comes from.
It seems like a bizarre, perhaps fetishistic inclusion for a game clearly aimed at younger players, and while Splatoon also had its central characters secrete ink, it's important to remember that they're squids, and so that absolutely made sense.
Having characters randomly produce foam from their bodies, though? Ewww.