10 Horrifying Video Game Implications We JUST Learned

6. It Was Almost An Army Recruitment Tool - Fortnite

The Last of us Ellie

Nobody's going to argue that Fortnite isn't aimed squarely at children, as makes this recent attempt to turn the game into a recruitment tool for the British Army that much more icky.

Back in January, the British Army released promotional materials for "Operation Belong" - a recruitment event set to take place in Fortnite later that month, where players would be invited to take part in an Army-style boot camp.

In a more craven attempt to lure in the young'uns, the promo also featured the likenesses of YouTuber Elz The Witch and musician Andrés "Yung Filly" Barrientos, who were set to be taking each other on in-game during the event.

Unsurprisingly the dystopian notion of using one of the most popular video games ever to sell the Army to impressionable children - especially at a time where Army troop numbers are dropping to unprecedented levels - received a swift online backlash.

Epic, who later confirmed that they didn't create the collab, ultimately decided to place the planned island in moderation, and given that it still hasn't been released weeks later, it seems like the crass ploy has most likely been abandoned.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.