10 Horrifying Video Game Truths You Never Noticed

8. Some Of The Enemy Soldiers Were Forcibly Conscripted - Call Of Duty: World At War

Batman Arkham

Call of Duty: World at War may not be among the FPS series' best or most memorable entries - beyond introducing the wildly popular Zombies mode - but it does feature one of its most low-key disturbing story beats.

The game's campaign takes place during World War II, and its sixth mission "Burn 'em Out" sees players hurled into the Pacific theater as Allied soldier Private Miller, who takes part in an offensive against the Imperial Japanese Army.

During this level, you'll end up getting access to the devastating M2 Flamethrower, causing any afflicted Japanese soldiers to scream variants of "Fire!" and "Hot!" in Japanese.

But some players noticed that some of the immolated soldiers are actually screaming out in an Indonesian tongue, seemingly implying that they're actually "Heiho" soldiers - auxiliary members of the Indonesian Army who were captured and forcibly conscripted to fight for the Japanese.

As much as the Call of Duty games tend to be pretty flippant about the true soul-crushing nature of war, this is an insanely depressing revelation, that some of the people you've been toasting weren't even committed to the damn cause.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.