10 More Horror Icons We Want To See In Call Of Duty

9. Ash (The Evil Dead)

Ash isn't so much a horror villain (except in the case of Evil Ash), but he is unquestionably an icon of the genre, best known for cutting his hand off and replacing with a chainsaw, and spitting out kick-ass catchphrases like "Groovy!" There are a number of ways this could work in DLC form, but the key is that one player needs to control a chainsaw-totting Ash, as he tries to rid a cabin of demons. Perhaps one player would be Ash, the other players would be hapless, poorly-armed teenagers, and you'd have to fend off increasing waves of possessed monsters. The insanity of the Evil Dead films (the proper Sam Raimi ones, anyway) would fit the tone of the DLC perfectly, and if they could bring Bruce Campbell back to do a voice came for Ash, then all the better (I can't imagine he'd say no).
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.