10 Horror Plot Twists That BROKE You

1. "Just Monika" - Doki Doki Literature Club

Until Dawn Twist
Team Salvato

The whole appeal of Doki Doki Literature Club is in its massive mid-game plot twist, and who is there to thank for that? Why, it's the President of the Literature Club herself, Monika.  

For the uninitiated, DDLC is a twisted visual novel that presents itself like an anime-style dating sim for a few hours before turning into a nightmarish horror. You watch as the characters become victims of violence, obsession, and seemingly the game itself.  

While you're left in the dark for a while, this sudden shift in tone is eventually explained by the shocking revelation that Monika, one of the four girls, is self-aware.  

She knows she's in a video game and has been manipulating the code to get to you, the player. Sure, she does it because she has romance on her mind, but her desire to alter the game leads to her friends dying in gruesome ways and plenty of scares at your expense.  

This meta twist helped make the game iconic, leading to a cycle of people thinking, "Why is this game so popular?" before falling victim to Monika themselves.  

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!