10 Horror Plot Twists That BROKE You

7. It Was All In Your Imagination - Cry of Fear

Until Dawn Twist
Team Psykskallar

Typically, the "it was all a dream" plot twist will leave you rolling your eyes and lamenting the day someone came up with it. Cry of Fear, however, puts enough of a spin on the trope to bring it from overdone to a nice medium rare.

The game puts you in the shoes of Simon, a man who awakes in a dark town populated by monsters after being hit by a car. As you'd expect, Simon is forced to survive among these terrifying creatures and the nightmarish location.

However, come the end of the game, you learn that this terrifying ordeal was nothing but a figment of Simon's imagination.

It turns out the physical aftermath of the car accident left Simon with severe depression. His therapist suggested that he document his feelings into a book, which is what you've been playing the whole time. The character in the game is Simon's imaginary version of himself, and the monsters are his trauma.

Again, it's not an entirely original idea, but the psychological horror elements give this "dream" some heavy spice.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!