10 Horror Video Game Moments That Will Scar You For Life
4. Mother Of Bugs - Resident Evil 7
Marguerite is a real piece of work in Resident Evil 7. A woman transformed by her twisted, malevolent behaviour that stalks you through the remnants of her old house, she's scary enough just as your average woman. And then she goes on ahead and levels herself up into something much more.
Mother of bugs and lover of her sweet insect babies, Marguerite comes back in full force after you're lead to believe she's gone, with her arms extending to inhuman lengths as she tries to grab you through a window. It's after this sequence that you're forced into her greenhouse, with the mother now sporting an bug-infested crotch as she waddles around the darkness and leaps up the walls like an oversized spider.
Needless to say, experiencing this traumatic monstrosity in VR only compounds what's already a highly stressful experience. Stay away, mommy long legs.