10 Hotly-Anticipated PC Exclusive Games Coming In 2016

8. A Hat In Time

Though it's had a long and troubled development history, A Hat In Time is supposedly still coming out in 2016. The game itself is a throwback to old school platformers like Banjo Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Donkey Kong 64. It's a 'collect-a-thon' that'll have players running around huge, expansive maps to snap up various items whilst solving puzzles and fighting enemies. It looked promising a few years ago, and it looks even more promising now; the game genuinely seems like it's going to be a lot of fun, offering varied environments, a plethora of challenges and lots and lots of things to collect. The developers have kept the story details pretty close to their chest, but it should be an adorable nostalgia trip for anyone who grew up in the 1990s. Best of all, Grant Kirkhope, the original composer for Banjo Kazooie, has worked on several songs for the game's soundtrack, so it'll at least sound awesome, if nothing else. The game's planned to eventually make its way over to the Wii U, but until then it's only on PC hardware where you'll find it.
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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.