10 Hotly-Anticipated Video Games That Were Abandoned After Launch

7. Pokémon GO

Pokemon Go

How to Kill Your Greatest Achievement, by Niantic.

First, design a game that encapsulates an entire generation and fandom's lifelong dream. Say, "being a Pokémon trainer".

Second, release said game as an augmented reality, free-to-play experience that transforms the world around the user, letting them fish for Magikarp in their local river, or find Caterpies down the park.

Third - and this is the most important - remove the Tracking functionality, as it's key to the entire game, and the very mechanic allowing the player to discover the Pokémon themselves.

Final step: Revel in the chaos you've caused, take months to offer anything close to a workable solution, and know that you've not only lost 23 million users and 80% of your overall playerbase, but all that cultural cache that you could've rode out for years.

Congratulations, if done well, this whole process can go from top to bottom in just a couple of months!

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